Demand/Supply in Insurance


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Table of Contents

Demand/Supply in Insurance

How is insurance demand generated by households?

a simple intertemporal model without uncertainty

a simple intertemporal model without uncertainty

a simple intertemporal model with uncertainty

Elasticities of demand: price and income elasticties

Some examples of price and income elasticities of demand

By lines of business

Commercial insurance

Corporate demand for insurance

Implication of risk neutrality

Is it strange to assume that corporations are risk neutral?

What a shareholder can do

So, why does the corporation buy insurance anyway?

Comparative advantage of insurance companies in risk bearing

Costs of financial distress

Real service efficiency of insurer

Under progressive income tax, insurance reduces tax

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PPT Slide

Insurance supply

Theory of Cycles

What are the causes of cycles?

Classifying companies

International insurance supply

International insurance supply

Establishment of insurance trade

Successful international insurance lines

Foreign acquisitions

What are the problems in expansion across borders?

PPT Slide

Problem of insurance

Who handles internal matters?

Customer interface

Author: SATAN


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Tapen Sinha es Profesor de Seguros en el ITAM

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