My Research


1.      Citizen Candidates in the Lab (with with Alexander Elbittar and Dario Trujano), forthcoming in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

2.      Padding and Pruning: Gerrymandering Under Turnout Heterogeneity (joint with Romans Pancs and Tridib Sharma), forthcoming in Social Choice and Welfare.


3.      Does free information provision crowd out costly information acquisition? It's a matter of timing (joint with Diego AycinenaAlexander Elbittar and Lucas Rentschler), [latest version]ITAM Working Paper 2020-01, Games and Economic Behavior 142 (2023): 381-410.


4.      Electoral Maldistricting (joint with Romans Pancs and Tridib Sharma),  International Economic Review 64 (2023): 1223-1264.


5.      Ignorance and Bias in Collective Decision: Theory and Experiments (with Alexander Elbittar, Cesar Martinelli and Thomas Palfrey) ITAM Working Paper 2014-01, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 174 (2020): 332-359


6.      Coattails and the Forces that Drive Them: Evidence from Mexico (with Emilio Gutierrez, Paulina Lopez and Alejandra Vasquez) ITAM Working Paper 2015-05 European Journal of Political Economy, 58 (2019): 64-81


7.      Revealed Votes, Social Choice and Welfare, 51 (2018): 281 - 296

Earlier version was circulated as Vote revelation: empirical characterization of scoring rules ITAM Working Paper 2011-02 


8.      Endogenous Platforms: stochastic membership (with with Francisco Marhuenda and Ignacio Ortuno-Ortin ITAM Working Paper 2013-09 Economic Theory, 62 (2016): 839 - 866

9.      Negative Advertising During Mexico s 2012 Presidential Campaign (with Emilio Gutierrez and Zeev Thepris), in The Political Economy of Social Choices, Maria Gallego and Norman Schofield, (eds.), Springer Verlag: 2016

10.  An experimental study of Demand Reduction and Bidder Collusion in Uniform- and Discriminatory-Price Auctions (with Alexander Elbittar),  ITAM Working Paper 2008-01 [latest version] in Emile Borel and the Notion of Strategy: 90th Anniversary, David Cantala, ed., Colegio de Mexico 2014

11.  Group Decision-Making and Voting in Ulltimatum Bargaining: An experimental Study (with Alexander Elbittar and Laura Sour), ITAM Working Paper 2004-07B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (Contributions) , 11 (2011): article 53

12.  Vote revelation: empirical content of scoring rules, in: Schofield, Norman, and Gonzalo Caballero (eds.). Political Economy of Institutions, Democracy and Voting. Berlin: Springer-Verlag: 2011, 411-417

13.  An experimental study of the citizen-candidate model (with Alexander Elbittar) in Political Economy of Democracy, E. Aragones, C. Bevia, H. Lllavador and N. Schofield, (Eds.), Fundacion BBVA: 2009

14.  Endogenous platforms: the case of many parties (with Francisco Marhuenda and Ignacio Ortuno-Ortin), International Journal of Game Theory, 35 (2007): 223-249.

15.  Anonymity in Large Societies (with Cesar Martinelli and Ricard Torres), ITAM Working Paper 2002-11Social Choice and Welfare 25 (2005): 187-205.

16.  An example of non-existence of three-community equilibriumJournal of Public Economic Theory, 7 (2005): 285-294 .

17.  A Model of Endogenous Political Party Platforms (with Francisco Marhuenda and Ignacio Ortuno-Ortin), Economic Theory, 24 (2004): 373-394. IVIE Working Paper AD 2003-12

18.  When the State is Untrustworthy: Public Finance and Private Banking in Porfirian Mexico (with Noel Maurer), Journal of Economic History, 64 (2004): 1087-1107. ITAM Working Paper 2004-02

19.  Sorting Equilibrium in a Multi-jurisdiction ModelJournal of Economic Theory, 116 (2004): 138-154.


Working papers

1.    How Many Sorting Equilibria are There (generically), ITAM Working Paper 2003-03 [latest version]

2.       "My friends: it would be an error to accept": Communication and group identity in a bargaining setting (with Alexander Elbittar) [latest version], ITAM Working Paper 2012-03

3.       “Citizen Candidates in the Lab” (with with Alexander Elbittar and Dario Trujano)

4.        “Judging the Judges: Indexing Complex Information Reduces Injusticeraints and Injustice” (with Andrew Caplin and Joyce Sadka)

5.       “Information Acquisition and Free-Riding in Elections with Opinion Polls” (joint with Tetsuya Hoshino)